Experiences, Stories & Kind Words

Please view more testimonials on my Facebook page which are submitted as posts to the page, Google Reviews and BestPsychicDirectory.com

“My lexicon of positive words is barely adequate to describe the experience of my sitting with Heidi Jaffe. Just a few that come to mind are comforting, moving, enlightening, educational, exciting, accurate, confirming, intimate, and uplifting. Although she was already booked several months out when I made my appointment, it was well worth the wait. Heidi opened our session by explaining to me how the session would work and she put me at ease immediately. Within minutes, several departed family members “came into the room” to greet me. Just about every one of them relayed through Heidi a unique shared experience, an intimate detail, or some special words that only my loved ones could have known. During my exchanges with them, I found myself both laughing with delight and crying with joy to have confirmation that people I love are OK and they’re not really “gone.” I was comforted to know that my loved ones on the “other side” were all together, were content, and were continuing to watch over and provide guidance to me every day. My very personal experience with Heidi left me peaceful from the exchanges I had with departed family members as well as enormously thankful that Heidi chose as her life’s work to share her incredible gift with the world.”


“Good afternoon, I had never or even contemplated reading until my daughter passed away. This left me searching for answers to so many questions. Last May I booked an appointment with Heidi on January 26th, 2022. The reading was amazing and left me speechless. I recorded the call and my remaining daughter stood with her mouth open. I am not going into all the details here but would be happy to share my experience if it would be helpful or desired. There was more evidence than can be counted on two hands. This was a 30-minute reading! I do not know how to convey how much the reading did for me and my daughter. We now know that the connection provided by Heidi is as real as my hands on this keyboard. Thank you for connecting me to my daughter on the other side.”


“Heidi, you gave me a gift I can never repay you for – you proved to me that there is an afterlife. You showed me without a doubt that my Dad, Grandma, and other loved ones were still around after they passed away. You shared my Dad’s proof that he is indeed there. You told me fun things about how he his enjoying his afterlife. You comforted me immensely when you told me the pets were there. You shared his wisdom and guidance for my life. The only way my Dad would have known what he told me is that he is watching over me. Then you used your wisdom to guide me in several areas of my life. There is no way you could have known any of the things you told me without having a very special gift. Everything was spot on. I now know for sure that life is not only made up of science. It is also made up of spiritual energy that I are only just beginning to understand. Because of you, I am no longer afraid of dying, because I know my loved ones will be there to pick me up. I have slept better than I have in years, and I’m so joyful.”


“HI! I just wanted to say thank you. I had a reading with you last week, on Thursday. I left with so much peace and closure. I went in with zero expectations but also a few things that I was hoping to take from it if it was meant to be. I was so overwhelmed by how you hit every point I had hoped for that I couldn’t even think what to ask when you asked if I had questions, haha. It was like you went right down my list immediately! I can’t tell you how much I needed to hear that message from my dad. There are no words for the peace you gave me. Also, I passed along what he had said for my mom and she just cried and cried. Also, I had hoped other than my dad that my grandmother would come through to say hi and it was so wonderful. She had said she was ready to go when she passed and she wanted me to know that. I didn’t think much of that at the time but after talking to her kids and telling them she said that they shared that it was something they had always questioned and worried if they had made the right decisions in the end. I’m so grateful I was able to pass that message along to them. And thank you for telling me to not waste time on dating apps! I came right home and deleted them! I know it sounds so silly and small but it was a massive weight off my shoulders. It never felt right for me and I knew deep down I wasn’t ready yet. Also, it’s very comforting to know that my person is out there when the time is right. You were so spot on with my soon to be ex being toxic, but you said so confidently that there was a reason our paths crossed and it made me smile. I didn’t share in the moment but we have two little girls and I have no doubt that they are that reason our paths crossed. Thank you so much for sharing your gift!! This by far exceeded my hopes and expectations!! Hopefully I’ll get back in for another reading in the future.”


“THANK YOU SO MUCH!! You were perfect throughout! You were correct in all that you said. Your people skills are exceptional! I felt as if we had known each other since the beginning of time. I was still contemplating suicide after my mother who has dementia,who I am caring for now, passed away. For most of my life the "end" seemed better then the "now". YOU and your ability and willingness to communicate with those that have passed, is a Godsend! It put a light of hope in my life that for 52 years, I never felt or even thought I deserved. You saved a life yesterday. Mine! I can't put into words my appreciation because you are just phenomenal! You are "the real deal" for sure! You are beautiful person and not just on the outside! Thank you, Heidi !!! From deep in my heart you have my eternal gratitude!!! I am Latina so I am sending you kisses!! 😘😘 !!! (please don't take offense)


“Hi Heidi, Thank you again for the amazing reading today! I'm still on cloud 9 with all of the info shared today. You are pretty remarkable! Thanks again and watching your schedule like a hawk so I can book my next appointment. I could sit all day with you 😊❤”


“Dear Heidi: I wanted to send you an email to thank you so much for the wonderful and most profound session. It was amazing how many people came forward from my life. My grief of my sister's passing was soothed considerably by your messaging and your interpretations of your feelings really amazed me within the accuracy of my life. Thank you so much


“Just a quick email to thank you for my reading with Chloe on Monday morning this week. I can't tell you truly how much I appreciated it and just how comforting and enjoyable it was for me! Of course Chloe played her part too! Just as I had asked her the previous four days, she completely delivered - 100%+ on my expectation and I cannot thank her enough for that! Never have I felt more validation than this my 3rd reading with you, just when I get to the point when I wonder how Chloe could bring me "new" news she does just that - in spades! The content, information and humor you brought forth on Chloe`s behalf just gives me a real "knowing" regarding all the exchanges, signs and communications I regularly have with her. She truly is "still with us" even if I am just beginning to fully understand.”


“I just wanted to let you know how amazing you are. Today was one of the most amazing experiences I have ever had in my life. Thank you so much. You will never know how much it truly means to me. It has given me so much clarity. I didn’t know what to expect as it was my first time ever. You nailed literally everything spot on, it was shocking. I never expected that and I think I was in so much shock and overwhelmed with emotion about what all you said. I wish I could have thought to ask you questions, but I was frozen. I miss my mom so much, but hearing what she said made me feel a lot better. I can’t thank you enough. I can’t wait to come back and see you again. It was the most memorable hour and I will cherish and remember it forever. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. You are amazing. Your gift is amazing. I wish i could have you every day and take you home. Lol. Thanks Heidi.”


“I just wanted to say thank you for such an amazing experience! Meeting with you has given me back the ability to feel joy again ! Most of all, I am so much more at peace regarding the death of my son. I now realize I will be with him soon enough. Thank you for restoring my zest and love for life!”


“Thank you so much for such a fabulous reading. I am truly grateful to have connected and thank you for sharing your gifts! I truly found the session comforting and very in line with what I had hoped to hear. SO I thank you - plus it was a joy to work with you and your energy. It felt both healing and just very positive to be around your energy.”


“I just wanted to reach out and say thank you! I think our reading this afternoon was truly meant to be. I believe everything happens for a reason. I had originally looked you up and your next booking wasn’t until next year. I almost gave up but something told me to look again that evening. Suddenly there was an opening within 3 days for 15 minutes. I grabbed it as quickly as possible even though I was hoping to book a longer session. Today also happens to be the day my husband left for a long weekend with this brother for his bachelor party. We haven’t been apart since this pandemic started and we both work from home so it was going to be hard to have a psychic reading without him noticing. The timing couldn’t have been more perfect! I also want to apologize that we went over our scheduled time today. It was hard to get off the phone since it just went by so fast and I was not able to get a longer time. I know you are a busy lady! But thanks for not hanging up on me and answering all my questions. The past few weeks have been torture for me. I was very close to asking my husband for a separation/divorce when he gets back from his weekend trip. But I really wanted some guidance before making that decision. And I finally feel like I have some clarity and know which path to take. I decided that it’s time to forgive my husband and move on. He has put up with me this long and I know he’s not going anywhere. I’m also going to seek the therapy that I need to get over this. Thank you so much for making me see clearly! I know I’m just a stranger to you but I believe you have changed my life more than you’ll ever know. Also I do wish for this to be published online just wanted to send you a private message but I’ll definitely leave you a great review because you are amazing!”


“I wanted to just write to you to say thank you. One of the BEST pieces of advice you give to your clients (such as me) if you write notes the entire time you speak. (Also to make sure to shut my talking mouth up so I can listen...lol) but I wanted to say thank you. I got a job offer to somewhere I wasn’t even looking for and I reluctantly accepted. I’m leaving my man of 6 years and uprooting to another state and city never expected and my hardest part was what would my grandfather and dad say. Is this right? Good? This job is going to be seriously challenging and underpaid why are you leaving this normal? I then as I was packing, came across our notes. The first time we talked this happened as well. I kept saying a sentence over and over and looked at my notes and was blown away, it said at the bottom “your not crazy” something I’d been asking myself as I was trying to figure out this abusive relationship. Then this job happened. I am so nervous and sick to my stomach not know what’s going to happen, don’t have a plan, omg what do I do. I looked back at my notes from our second visit. The first time you said take the job and I didn’t. BIGGEST regret ever, would have saved me and my children. So this time I said yes. So back to the notes, I saw in there so many answers to my questions. What you had said, what my dad and grandpa had said. It brought me to tears. My advice to your clients omg listen to Hedi. WRITE.EVERYTHING. YOU.CAN.DOWN. Like you say a lot of times it doesn’t make sense at first. You revisit those notes and OMG it will take the breath out of you. Long story to say thank you. Thank you for being my medium and thank you for your special gift. Thank you for helping get away from the hell im living while giving me peace of mind knowing my family never left me and supports me even to this day. Much love and blessings to you and your family, and I look forward to our next visit.”


“I just wanted to thank you again for meeting with me a couple of weeks ago. I don’t think I can adequately put into words how much it has changed my life. I truly feel like so much weight of fear and hurt has been lifted off my shoulders and I am so grateful that I can go into my wedding truly knowing my dad is with me. I was so nervous for our session but when I walked into the office I could feel so much peace and you were so down to earth and easy to talk to. I felt so comfortable and open (two things I have a hard time with when I get nervous) - you are truly so amazing! I also wanted to share with you that when i called my fiancé after I got out of the session (I had to sit in my car for a while before I could drive so I could gather myself 😂) I shared with him what his grandpa said and I don’t know if you remember but the first name I wrote down was Frank and didn’t recognize it, but that is his Grandpa’s name!! Also, I know you kept seeing a hat on someone’s head and we couldn’t figure out what that meant. It seemed so obvious to me after I couldn’t help but laugh. My fiancé always wears his hat on the top of his head and I always said it looked goofy but he always says “that’s how my grandpa wore it and so that’s how I like to wear it”. It makes me smile to think of his grandpa acknowledging this :) You truly are so unbelievably talented and I hope you know just how much of a positive impact you have on the world. It is seriously so amazing that you are able to give people the gift that you gave me on a regular basis. Thank you so much for doing so! I know it can’t always be easy with many people so skeptical, but you truly are a light in this world and I am sincerely so grateful I was able to have a session with you.


“Heidi is great!!! Highly recommended. Thanks to her after our first reading (6/12/2020), my husband my daughter, and I feel that our beloved son is always with us.”


“Thank you for your reading this morning! You are a really gifted medium! I had couple of other readings done, but no one was as spot-on as you. You really made me feel that my dad was there with me. You described his personality so accurately, the picture of two of us on my bookshelf, and even that I had a robe wrapped around me! I am really grateful for the messaged I received. I feel a lot more at piece. As they say, you are 'the real deal.' This is why you are so busy and have such a long wait for appointments. :) Today my dad was the one I wanted to hear from most, because he passed so recently and we were so close.”


“Heidi is the best you will ever find !! I decided if I couldn't get her I was going to do this !! I did a lot of searching and after my reading I know she is the real deal !! The best thing I've ever did !! My husband died 18 months ago and had so many unanswered questions and he truly came through!! He has my cat and parrot ! I have a broken door and he wanted it fixed !! Haha I laughed because that was so him ! He seen the new flooring I put in and liked it ! She said she saw a pendent it small and that I would play with it ! I couldn't place what she was saying but she said hang on to that thought I don't want to throw it away ! it's to important to him ! But he wanted you to know he would marry you all over again! I got off the phone and by my bed was a 5 by 7 pic frame with our wedding pic and on the frame was a gold locket that opens up ( like one you ware around your neck) the shape of heart! If she would had said locket I might have got it ! I was playing a week before with it! My mom was watching her soap shows she couldn't miss her shows when I was a kid ! She told me she leaves scents , she loved roses!! And that's were i smell her in the rose garden!And my brother still has his mortorcycle !! Nobody would have known that ! And he died unexpectedly the accident wasn't his fault ! Heidi is the best everything she said I was able to confirm! She is so accurate! I was given so much comfort from my reading ! And to know my husband and me have a bond that can never be broken, but he is waiting for me and will pick me up ! Wow couldn't ask for better than that ! Also my grandparents from both sides were there too ! Thanks Heidi”


“Hey there, I am A’s husband. I came to her appointment with her back in Februrary. We had both gone through a lot before and since then. That day I had planned to drop her off for her appointment and I was going to go walk around Lake Eola, but you said I was welcome to stay. When the session started, I could hear you guys talking and decided to sit outside the room to hear what you were saying. It was an extremely profound moment to be a part of. I was able to relate to most of the stuff you were sharing with her because of knowing her so well. That very night, my mom, dad, sister, and I drove to New Orleans for a chance at reconnecting, after all we had been through a ton of stress and grief in the past year and a half. We had all been through so much at that point and were all extremely fragile. We had an incredible fight from past pain and suffering and as a result I was left there and had to fly home because they were so upset with me. Since then, My wife and I have completely spiraled out of control and we are working hard at saving our marriage. Here's the thing, everything you said that day made so much sense and I felt like I had an understanding of my wife that I had never known before. When I got back from New Orleans, its was like that moment we shared was completely gone forever. I was able to withstand the stress and broken heart of my family leaving me in another state because I thought I at least had her. I understood her and she understood me. I have been trying to mend this fence for sometime and just thought you'd be interested into seeing the result. It has been a really hard last 5months for our family, and I just wanted to let you know that it’s because what I learned that day how any of this even came to be. I guess I had to look at the silver lining and hope that everything happens for a reason. Hope you are doing well. Sorry if this all sounds crazy but up until the day she came and saw you, was I truly able to understand her and what she was/is going through. Thanks for taking the time.”


“I just wanted to say thank you again for the wonderful experience today! I have never had a professional reading before but I am a very spiritual person and I knew you were the real deal. The reading today meant so much to me in so many different way. You were right on with so many of the messages you gave me. I recorded this session not only for me but for my mom. She has always been a bit of a skeptic and I tried so hard to tell her that it was real. But she needed to hear it for herself. I played the recording for her and she couldn’t believe how accurate you were! She was also able to clarify a few things that I wasn’t sure about! One of the things you had mentioned was “pennies”, I had no idea what it meant but I knew my mom would. She said she used to find random little things on the golf course when she was golfing and she would always say “thats my mom sending me pennies from heaven”. That was just one of the many things that she got from this reading! Although this was my reading, it was also very much for her. You made my mom a believer (finally!) and you were able to heal some old wounds between her and her mom. So, I just wanted to say thank you and I will definitely be back in to see you in the future! I have some pretty big life changes coming up this year (which you picked up on!) and would love to do another session in about 6 months or so! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!”


“Heidi, I wanted to share something that’s happened since our 2nd reading ! To refresh your memory 😊 you have recommended strongly that I have something medical looked into. That you were getting information that it’s something preventative I need to do related to cancer. After I got off the phone with you (since cancer had come up both times we spoke), I made appointments for all the tests I’d been neglecting the last couple years. I had been putting off a colonoscopy and wouldn’t have finally scheduled it if it weren’t for my reading with you. They found and removed a polyp. They did a biopsy and it was benign but it was the kind that will become cancerous over time. They will watch me closely going foreward. The dr told me had a I waited a year or 2, we’d be having a very different conversation. I don’t know if you recall because I know you read and help so many but I’m a single mom of 2 teens who lost their Dad 2 years ago. I told the dr point blank that I’d been given a script for this procedure for the last 2 years but it was the reading with you that made me finally schedule it. On behalf of myself and my kids.... I’m very grateful for your messages from the other side. Thank you Heidi. I hope your office move is going well and I’m looking forward to scheduling another appointment in the Spring. “


“From the bottom of my heart thank you. That reading meant the world to me and gave me some much needed clarity and smack upside the head. You’re an amazing human with an amazing gift.”


“I had never gone to a medium before, so I have no idea what to expect. I had a sudden loss of my daughter, I'm lost and heartbroken . Heidi was able to connect with my Grandpa and the rest of my father sides family members who passed away, She told me things about how they passed and my daughter came through. Heidi, You're blessed with an amazing gift from heaven, thank you for sharing it to all of us.”


“You really are amazing Heidi! I thought you were kind and sincere. It isn’t easy for me to be open at times, but you made me feel very comfortable.Connecting with my loved ones yesterday was truly a gift. I’ve wondered, and worried, about each of their passings. I now feel at peace, knowing they are okay. And I appreciate you reminding me of what a special family I have, and how much they love me. By the way, you mentioned my husband knew of clothing articles I had hanging up... not in a closet. I thought it was his hats. When I got home, I saw his jacket hanging on a bedroom door. I had forgotten it was there until he reminded me! He has only been gone a few months, and I am still sorting through his things. Thank you for that validation! Until next time we meet, and I do plan to see you again, I wish you well.”


“Heidi, just wanted to say WOW! what a reading yesterday! Can't stop thinking about everything you said to me .. I feel like I can start moving forward for some changes in Life for the better! So comfortable with you felt like we where good friends chatting! Can't wait till our next chat!!”


“I just wanted you to know how much I LOVED our session this morning. You were so RIGHT on it was amazing! And I just love your demeanor. I feel like we would be great friends if we lived near each other :)” I will see you again sometime in the next year.


“I just wanted to say thank you very much. I had an appointment with you Friday. I came away feeling relief in some aspects. And some things that didn’t make sense at the time did when I had time to think about it. I imagine that you have a very stressful job because people can be desperate for guidance, answers, and connection with their lost ones but I’m very thankful there are people like you. Also-I was SO nervous to see you, I’m sure that showed. Haha. But it made me feel a lot better to talk to you. I like your style. Very pretty and professional and put together but with a sailor mouth. Loved it. Sorry if this message is weird or too long or an inconvenience but I would want someone to say these things to me if they felt them, you know? So thank you. I hope to see you again some day. As I mentioned this was my first one and it took me a while to find the right person and I am very glad that my search led me to you. I was very surprised how much you knew / how much my grandma and my father revealed and it is great to hear that my grandma is still always by my side. Apologies that I was very emotional and touched by the things you said.”


“Wow, what a reading! Going back and listening to the recording, like you said, I was able to make more connections plus... I'm so grateful for having some communication with both my parents and my father in law. Thank you for being the conduit between my family and me. I look forward to bringing my other family members to you in the future. Thanks again and it was great to meet you. You do important work and I'm sure bring peace to so many. I certainly feel more at peace this evening.”


“I just wanted to say Thank you for my reading today. Even though I have been a crying mess the rest of my day, you brought me comfort that I have not felt in 10 months.”


“Dear Heidi – I sent a thank you letter to your office street address but they sent it back as I didn’t have the specific number for your office. But here in a nutshell is what I said: I used to say “dead friends communicating with me through dreams & signs was the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me.” I have been searching for evidence that it is really true for two years. Now I say “the reading with you was the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me” as you verified everything for me plus gave me the opportunity to talk with mom and others. Just as I finished my handwritten note to you, a cardinal flew into my studio – a sign from my dad! Wow! Love to you”

- Fran

“I cannot thank you enough for the phone session this past Tuesday. You described my husband, Mom, Dad and nephew with details that were unique to them or not known by others. I had been having a difficult time with overwhelming grief since Jim passed 3 months ago. I wasn't sure he was with me, if he was happy and if he passed quickly or did we prolong the process. Heidi, after our session I felt peace and comfort knowing he is happy and that he is here with me, watching over me. It was funny that I was so unsure of where to go for Christmas and he told me to go to my brother's! He is guiding me :>) By the way, you told me a woman with a name with the letter "A "was with him but I couldn't think of anyone with the letter "A". Well, today as I was going through some papers I saw his mother's name - Alice! I always called her "Mom" and totally forgot her name! You were right, telling me to write down some things that they would make sense later. I cannot thank you enough. This has been a tremendous help to me and I am so grateful that Terry connected me to you. You have helped me more than I thought was possible. Thank you!”

- Susan, Florida

"Thank you so very much for psychic reading yesterday! I am happy to know you. You just blew me away when you said that I was there for asking about relationship before I talk! It made me surprised, at the same time I felt I was right to choose you. You are the real deal. I was nervous if my poor communication skills in English cause some trouble during session, but you are the sweetest. I felt you are so patient with me, very kind, warm and sincere caring person. I will definitely make an appointment for the next reading in the future. Also I will email to you when the things you said yesterday happen actually. Again, thank you so much for your precious time. My best wishes for your happiness and continued success!"

- Moe

"I have been digesting my reading for about an hour now and wow!! I just wanted to thank you for one of the best experiences of my adult life! That may sound dramatic, but at this moment it is exactly how I feel. You were able to give me everything I needed to hear to move my life forward in a positive light. What a gift! How can I thank you for that? You have allowed me to see clearly and brought peace to my heart. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! God bless you always!"

- Carrie

Hi Heidi, it’s Heidi. I wanted to give you a little update. I know you speak with a ton of people so you may not remember me but during the medium reading I had with you you told me that I should stop worrying about not being able to have another child that I would. I had a separate fertility reading with you and you told me I’d get pregnant but you saw bleeding and it might not work out but I’d get pregnant again soon after and you said that it had to do with a “J” month. I was pregnant in April but unfortunately that turned into yet another 6 week miscarriage. Wouldn’t you know I got pregnant again in September and we are now 12 weeks and due June 1st! I just wanted to thank you for being honest with me and giving me the information I needed even though not all of it was what I wanted to hear at the time. It helped me in so many ways I can’t even explain. Thank you so much. Also, you said you don’t like to tell people gender but you said you felt girl. We had a lot of testing given my history to make sure baby was ok and they confirmed we’re having a girl! Thank you for sharing your gifts with the world. I think you’re amazing.

- Heidi

“Totally amazed. I was somewhat skeptical at first, but went in with an open mind. Really blown away about so much info she gave us. I truly believe she has been given a remarkable gift. Thank you Heidi.”


"Thank you Heidi for the beautiful reading. Even though it was short, everything was so accurate and I cannot express to you how much it meant to me. You gave me hope and passion for the things I knew I had but was going crazy because nothing was happening. I honestly can't put into words how much it meant to me. Thank you thank you for sharing your gift with the world. I surely will keep you updated and would love to have a longer reading with you in the future. It was the best reading I have ever had. I no longer need to search for something real because I found my gem. Thank you again from the bottom of my heart. I hope you have a great night! :) much love to you! "


"Thank you very much for the reading earlier. As I mentioned this was my first one and it took me a while to find the right person and I am very glad that my search led me to you.I was very surprised how much you knew / how much my grandma and my father revealed and it is great to hear that my grandma is still always by my side. Apologies that I was very emotional and touched by the things you said."


“I can't thank you enough for everything!! you are so amazing at what you do. You helped my family heal and beyond that I'm just in WOW by what you told me. theres absolutely no way you would know any of what you mentioned and I can't thank you enough for you're kind soul and the energy you give out.”


"I just want to thank you for such a wonderful reading today. You hit the mark every time and it was the validation I know my mom needed especially from her dad and brother. There is only so much a young girl can understand and get out of grief counseling at that age. My mom left your office and said she felt such the heaviness on her heart disappear and she finally felt more at peace. That's the gift she truly needed today. I appreciate you focusing the most on her and the little bit we talked blew me away. I will definitely be back in the future for another reading. Take care and thank you for sharing your gift. Until next time!

- Katelyn

“ABSOLUTLEY AMAZING She's Wonderful, friendly and SPOT ON This was my second meeting with her and she did not disappoint JUST LOVE HER”


"I hope your morning is off to a great start! I just wanted to take a second to thank you again for my medium reading with my boyfriend, Friday 4/28. It really just felt amazing especially with him being taken away so abruptly... it's like I left him that morning to go to work and I never saw him again...craziness.... it just felt amazing to be able to connect with him and to know that he is ok, that he sees me, to hear that he loves me and all that good stuff. It is just really the icing to my healing process; it helps me to continue to know that it is ok to heal and he is happy as long as I'm happy. You are truly a blessing and I appreciate you so much! I don't know how often you hear this but I felt it was definitely my responsibility to let you know. One last thing, I want to thank you for being SO real... you delivered much of what he said, exactly how he would have said it... I appreciate that, it made me feel even more connected. You have a loyalty from me that will last for life".


"My daughter and I came to you several weeks ago for a reading. She surprised me with this as a Christmas present. First I want to thank you for allowing her to sit in with me because she had been carrying a heavy burden on her shoulders. We were the ones with the three suicides (my father, brother and her friend). Your reading was "spot on" and left us both speechless. The way you said our loved ones communicated with us have been seen numerous times and each time now we know exactly who it is. When we left your office, my daughter looked at me and said, " I don't know about you, but I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off of my shoulders now." That was such a relief to hear her say that. Thank you so much. You may be getting more and more clients from South Georgia because I am telling everyone about my incredible experience."

- Tanya

"We are so grateful to have had the opportunity to have readings with you! The accuracy was Amazing & the few references that I didn't understand became clear after a phone call to my cousin. You mentioned my grandpa & " stack of letters..., records..., musical..." Turns out the night before my reading, my cousins in RI had gathered & were reading a stack of letters about grandpa, they discussed progress in searching for records in Italy about grandpa & one cousin has his mandolin which grandpa played beautifully! Anita & I thank you for much needed validation that our loved ones are still with us."

- Charlene

"Hey there Heidi! This is Denise, your 1:30 on 1.9.17 appointment. First of all, it was a total pleasure meeting you and having you read for me! I have not stopped thinking about our hour together with my family that you brought to me. You were so spot on with everything that you said...It took such a heavy load off of my heart, you have no idea! You gave me the greatest gift that I have ever received...messages of LOVE from the ones I love the most who have gone home.....I'm BLOWN away at your abilities and have so much gratitude that I found you through a dear friend! I want to come back again! Very soon! Do your other clients ever request another reading right after they just had one..LOL? It doesn't matter if they do or don't because I want to! The only thing that I am so sad about is that the first 30 minutes recorded on my iphone and then stopped. My phone made a noise and I looked at it, but I must not have hit the record button again. So, I missed the 2nd 30 minutes. That won't happen again during our next reading! The messages in the 2nd 30 minutes were very important for other family members to hear. I tried to write down what I remembered to share. Hope to be able to convey the main points of the messages you so beautifully received. You are a blessing and a gift! Thank you for giving me such peace of mind!! And I love your personality too!! I have had many readings over the course of my life, but you are going to be my 4Ever Medium...seriously, you are the bomb girl...So many things that you said that I drew a blank on have hit me like a ton of bricks over my head over the past 2 days! Out of the blue, I will remember something that you were trying to get me to acknowledge and I drew a total blank at that time! Duh Denise!!!!! OMG!!! How could I have been so unaware of what you were trying to say to me? All of the blanks that I drew during our hour have totally surfaced and I am so upset with myself that I totally spaced out on what could have been beautiful messages for the people that you nailed and I spaced out on! You tried and I didn't tune in quickly enough to several things that you received! My bad! You and my family did your jobs and I flubbed my job up! :) Next time! One of the things that I laughed about (there were so many) but I loved it when you referred to "Who the F--K are they box or corner" Or something close to that. You are a rock star medium!"

- Denise

"Thank you so much for yesterday's reading. I really was considering taking my own life because I couldn't deal with the guilt of thinking I had did something wrong when I was trying to help. You gave me the answers I needed. Thank you.I feel a lot better and feel like you made the connection with my mother and family."

- Kate

"I just wanted to take the time and truly thank you for a wonderful opportunity. I saw you this past Thursday. My husband drove me to meet with you in your office. My life has been so difficult for me lately and that reading meant the world to me! I needed that, more than anyone could know. As I took notes, I couldn't believe how accurate you were! Unbelievable! I've been to a person before who really didn't impress me at all. For some odd reason I felt making the appt with you, I would finally get some messages from my loved ones. You gave me messages, but I didn't expect you to impress me this much! You kept throwing so much details and information at me, and all I could think was, "is this lady serious?" Because you were so spot on with it all. You have allowed me some comfort in one of my most difficult times in my life. I want to thank you for that! I don't believe enough people in this world are thanked enough, so I wanted to share how much your messages meant to me.

You have a client who definitely will return for future visits. And even though I go through some intuitive things myself, I still stay skeptic of others doing this. Maybe it's to protect myself. But you are definitely on top of my list as I'm already spreading the word to my friends. One of them already booked with you! Have a wonderful day! Again you are awesome and I can't wait to see you again!"

- Cristina

"I just wanted to say thank you for such a unique and wonderful experience. Since last Wednesday, I have done nothing but go over and over everything you said and it still amazes me. You provided clarity and insight exactly where I desperately needed them. You have such an amazing gift....and your warm personality and awesome sense of humor just wrap it all together. Without a doubt, I plan on speaking with you again.

Thank you so much! Best to you always,

- Sarah

"I just wanted to write you a quick note to say thank you again for the awesome appointment yesterday. The more I process and look back at my notes, the more things are clicking and making even more sense. I cannot tell you enough how happy I am that my friend Casey is finally happy and has found some peace. He had a tough life due to things outside of his control, and when he would try to do some work on himself he had a tendency to self-sabotage. You said that he is doing some work on the other side, which is awesome to hear, because I know he desperately wanted to be able to successfully do that! I most definitely want to come back for another appointment maybe in the fall, because I would love to hear from a few more loved ones who have passed on. So I will be booking something soon! Thanks again for an awesome experience - I couldn't have asked for more from my very first reading".

- Eileen

"I cannot express how much I love Heidi! She always blows it out the park for me. Heidi is by far the most accurate psychic that I have ever consulted with. Her ability to describe people, situations, scenarios is among the most accurate that I have ever experienced. I am very impressed and so very happy with her gift to have helped me through a lot that has happened in my life. Very honest, warm, funny, compassionate. Heidi has gone above and beyond to take the time to explain things to me. She is the real deal I have never experienced something like what I have with Heidi. Very understanding and did not judge. A truly gentle soul and a real gem. Thank you for always being there when I need you. You are amazing. I highly recommend Heidi to anyone that wants to hear the truth and nothing but the truth! A beautiful soul and the BEST psychic out there!"

- Fatima

"Hello Dear Heidi, :) Thank YOU so much for taking the time with me. You have brought unmeasurable comfort to me and others I have passed the messages on to regarding our loved ones. There is no question that they are with me. You were sooo accurate with not only their names, but personalities. As my Ryan (37 year old, funny, quick witted friend who passed of a heart attack) would say...you "Nailed it!!!"... Lol. I'm sure I might have some questions...as for now I'm just letting it all sink in. I will definitely see you again in the future.You are amazingly gifted, and have offered an incredibly peaceful space with warm energy, and for that I am forever grateful. "

- Jana

"I just wanted to tell you thank you soo much for the reading today. It was the best reading I ever had. You made me feel so much better. You are great at what you do. I have told my sisters and they will be calling you. I feel like a ton of stress has been lifted. You really made me feel like your were a friend who wants to help unlike others who just want to take people's money. You made me laugh and very comfortable. You have made my year. I will be back. Thank you a million times."

- Mike

"I am so grateful to Heidi for being so patient and honest with me during my reading. I felt like she was able to pick up immediately on what I was feeling and why I came to her. She saw the circumstances in my past that led me to this point in my life and gave me the insight and guidance for what will come in the future. More than that, I felt like she really cared about what I was going through and wanted to help me through this difficult journey. I left our conversation feeling hopeful for the future and better equipped to turn things around. I highly recommend Heidi to anyone who needs clarity or feels lost, she is truly an amazing and gifted woman."

- Sindy

"Just wanted to drop you a quick note and tell you this. It shocks me how accurate the information you gave me has been until now. Like when things happened I went "no way!!!" Thank you! I will talk to you at the end of the year again."

- Maria

"I wrote a review (onYelp), but I wanted to personally Thank you. It was obviously emotional during the reading but in a really good way. When I left your office and drove home it was the best feeling I've had in a long time. It was like being able to take a full breath again but you've forgotten what that feels like because it's been so long. I had a smile on my face the whole time. Anyways thank you again. It was an amazing experience and I hope to be able to see you again".

- Kelly

"WOW WOW WOW, Heidi, I have to admit it was not until I left that I realized how bad you blew me away. You are an amazing person with a very special gift. There is no doubt in my mind that you were actually talking to my parents, grandparents and my loved ones that evidently follow me around. I have already recommended you to every person that I told your story to and I will continue to do that, you are the real deal. And thank you very much."

- Gary

"Heidi is quite the blessing. It was no coincidence I was led in her direction. I have been to a handful of 'psychic mediums', some experiences proving better than others, but Heidi's gift blew them out of the water. Not only is she extremely accurate and connected -- she is real, honest, funny and compassionate to boot! She was able to give me specifics, down to the name, career and hobbies of a passed loved one. She was also able to give me such incredible guidance in terms of my current life path. I felt really uplifted and after our session and know that she was the 'spiritual guide' that I was seeking. For anyone looking for a genuinely beautiful mediumistic experience, Heidi will not disappoint. I think she is worth every single cent of her very reasonable prices and look forward to future sessions with her! "


"All I can say is Thank You Thank You Thank You. Heidi is a gentle soul with an incredible gift. I accomplished in one hour with you what I had been trying to accomplish for years with counselors. Heidi was able to get the core of deep rooted pain with the help of my mother and help me heal old wounds that I had been holding on to. Not only did she help me connect with my loved ones who had passed away but she help me clarify my goals and dreams. She truly has a gift she was able to tell me things that were close and personal as well as funny and humorous that only the other side would know. If you are sitting on the fence right now I encourage you to reach out to Heidi only an amazing experience will happen for you."

- Jen

"Heidi, you will see me soon. I will have many referrals come your way. You answered the questions that have been weighing me down for years. You may not know it, but you changed my life in 1 hour. May you come upon many great blessings! See you soon : )"

- A.A.

"It was such a pleasure meeting you. Just wanted to let you know that you were absolutely spot on with the reading you gave me last month and it’s wonderful to have undeniable proof that my dear husband is still by my side! I gave my sister-in-law Marsha a copy of the recording and she was absolutely blown away! It turns out that the cardinal sign that you received for her was from her friend Dodie who passed away two years ago. Dodie was obsessed with cardinals and the last thing she gave Marsha was the painting she had done of a cardinal! Amazing! I never expected you would give me five specific family names! You might recall that one of the names was “Petie." At the time of the reading I had no idea my husband had a cousin named Petie who passed away a few years ago. Marsha told me that Petie and Marc (my husbands brother) had been very close. Now we have confirmation that Petie and Marc are back together in the hereafter! Your reading has given our family so much comfort and peace of mind. You are a wonderfully kind and gifted lady!"

- Lisa

"I just wanted to thank you again for what you have done for me. Your gift that you so lovingly shared with me has changed my life tremendously. You have given me hope which I haven't had in over three years. And for that I will be forever grateful.

When we spoke we talked about how Alex has been trying to show me signs and I wanted to share with you what I noticed yesterday when I woke up. As you can see from this picture I'm sending you the picture frame is turned facing the wall as well as the lamp shade is tilted and has been moved too. Which it wasn't like that when I went to bed the night before.

The picture is of my daughter Alex!! And of course I had it facing out so u could see it. And I didn't move it and my daughter didn't move it either so I have to believe it was Alex that did this as a way to let me know she's here with me.

I wish you could have seen my face when I noticed this!! Lol I look forward to speaking with you again very soon.

God bless you and thank you for sharing your gift with me!"

- Julie

"This was my first visit with Heidi and must say that she nailed it on the spot. Her personality made me feel so at ease. I was looking for directions to assure that I am on the right path and I received it. She doesn't want you to share too much about your situation, because she will tap in on it. You will leave her office knowing just what needs to be done next and some areas I just have to wait for it to come forth. It was frustrating trying to find someone for a reading that was reliable, so I am thankful for her. I like the appointment method, because I know that my time will be my time. She's great and I recommend others to give her a try. You wont be disappointed."

- Ton'jas

"I can't tell you how blessed and excited we feel to have found Heidi! I know the concept of communicating with our loved ones who have passed away can be a stretch for some. But, I have now had two successful readings with Heidi and many of my loved ones have contacted me through her help! If I can encourage you to take the step and just schedule an appointment with her, please do! You will not believe the details she was able to share from my loved ones that only we would know. I am so pleased and excited about Heidi's talents and services that we have already done a group reading for my office, an individual reading for both myself and my husband and scheduling phone appointments for friends and family in Arizona and Missouri.If you are looking to connect with a passed away loved one or just hear her spiritual wisdom on your overall life or specific questions, Heidi is your Psychic Medium!"

- Amy

"Heidi is the real deal! I had an excellent reading, and three loved ones who have passed gave me messages. I can't stress enough that she was very specific, and relayed messages that she would have no idea about. I had asked for specifics from my dad, who passed 21 years ago. She said the EXACT words I asked him for! She also described my loved ones personalities, physical traits, etc. to a TEE! Words she relayed were the same words they used when they were here in the physical world. She even told me how they passed. No way could she have known the things she told me. I can't wait to go see her again. Take my word for it, as I said before, she's the REAL DEAL!!!"

- Michelle

"I wanted to connect with my father who had passed over 20 years ago. I miss him dearly and wanted to know he was still with our Family in Spirit. Heidi's credentials prove to be of a person with integrity and special gift to connect with loved ones, so I booked my appointment. My impression of Heidi is that she's energetic, super kind and genuinely charismatic. She made me feel very comfortable as it was my first experience with a Psychic Medium. Heidi was able to connect not only with my father but my grandparents and others that wanted to share messages with me. It was almost surreal what I was hearing and seeing yet, in the end I was fulfilled. I now know my loved ones are safely in the Spirit World and if I ever want to communicate with them, with Heidi's help, I am able to do so! "

- Lisa

"Heidi, just wanted to give you a word of thanks from the bottom of my heart. You have given me more peace and comfort today than probably anybody on this earth could. You know Angela had referred me to you, and it was sincerely a fluke that Angela and I met she lives in Florida and I live in New Jersey and we met online through a group chat, I believe God places people in your life for a reason. Life is certainly a gift and to be able to have met you and have your guidance is truly a blessing. Not everyone is lucky enough to receive the kind of message from you which warns us of devastation or can give us peace from a loved one. Hearing that message of proudness from my father today and knowing how proud he is of my strength and courage has really put the cap on the closure for me. As far as the other issue it is clear what I have to do and I will do it. I will not let you or my family down LOL. I just really wanted to send you a note of thanks and let you know how grateful I am to have met you and how much perspective you have given me. You are a true beautiful person with such tremendous gift for which I have been lucky enough to receive. Thanks again!"

- Sue

"Heidi, Thank You!!!!!! My reading w/ you was mind blowing! I'm grateful to you! Can't wait to chat again!!! Now I have some homework, letting go of the past w/ my mom and Tim, oh Tim! That's going to be the hard one to deal w/ but I'm strong enough to take it on, so I'll update you in my next visit!! I could become a Medium Junkie real easy! I love it when I have a connection w/ people, good people like you! Thanks Again!!!!"

- Elise

"Great experience, she was so thorough, she explained everything and she helped us not dismiss things we didn't understand and immediately when we left something we didn't understand came to light physically, undeniable she's the best medium we have ever been to.Will be going back.”

- Bridgett

"I just wanted to say thank you again. I'm still trying to remember and process everything from today, but there's no doubt in my mind that it was my grandmother, ex-husband and most importantly, my son.. since the loss of my son, my life just hasn't been the same. I miss him so much. After our session today, I feel a little lighter and I know that he is okay. I know the pain of missing him will always be there, but I'm no longer worried about if he's at peace or not.. I know he is. I thank God for this opportunity and leading me to you. It was a true blessing. Thank you Heidi."

- Angela

"Hey Heidi, Just wanted to tell you how much I appreciate the information you provided for me today. It was truly a pleasure to meet you. You made me feel very comfortable, THANK YOU, I definitely didn't know what to expect, but was a very positive experience! Take care

- Barbara

"Ms. Jaffe provided peace of mind and a sense of calm that will always be with us. One of the most memorable experiences of our life."

- Pat and Jen

"I just wanted to take the time to thank you again for a very insightful, and informative reading. You were gracious enough to see me with little notice, and you were very warm and sensitive to my need for a little clarity in my confusing and "stuck-in-limbo" life. I feel like I have enough information to start moving forward again, and hopefully grab my life by the boot straps and get on with it. I'm hoping to find out more about a possible employment opportunity on Thursday. I really hope it all works out during that meeting. For the first time in a long time, I feel excited about the prospects life just might have in store for me. I'm grateful to have made a connection with you, and I really hope we can do another session again soon, but not too soon!"

- Harold

"My visit with Heidi was the first time I've ever talked to a medium or done anything like this. I had no idea what to expect and was actually pretty nervous. It's safe to say I also came in with a healthy dose of skepticism. Heidi made me feel at ease and explained how she works. Heidi had incredible insight into things going on in my life and actually repeated something word for word that I had said to friends. Heidi was able to help me connect with my mom and my grandmother. I had no doubt it was them by the very specific memories Heidi was telling me about. There's absolutely no way she could have known about these things. It honestly took my breath away and made me so emotional. My mom died when I was a teenager and Heidi was able to reconnect me and even gave me specific things my mom wanted to let me know. Again, these were all related to me and my life and not things she could have just guessed. What really blew me away was what happened after my session. Heidi brought up a pin or a broach that had belonged to my grandmother and my mom. I wasn't really sure what she was referring to until a week later. Completely out of the blue, my dad let me know he found something that had belonged to my mom and wanted to give it to me. I opened the box and there was a pin/broach inside. I hadn't told my dad about talking to Heidi or mentioned anything about a pin. It's truly remarkable. I would recommend Heidi even to the biggest skeptics out there!"

- Lisa

"Heidi is amazing! She hit the ball out of the park on so many levels. Meeting with her was one of the most wonderful, calming, and positive experiences I have had in a very long time. She is honest and answered my questions accurately. I can say that because I have actually been able to confirm some of the information she gave me. I am definitely going back to see her in the future and I highly recommend her!"

- Sylvia

"Meeting with Heidi was not my first experience with a medium but it certainly was the most accurate, honest and amazing session I have ever had. I have always believed in mediums and the afterlife but our session proved this without any doubt. Numerous family members who have passed came through that I was not expecting and the things they shared with Heidi no one who is alive today knows that information, only me, and that was the amazing reality of Heidi’s gift. She is truly a gifted person and any time spent with her and your loved ones who have passed will be time well spent. If you have ever thought about having a session for whatever reason, do not hesitate, do not question, move forward and contact Heidi as she will change your perspective of our life here and our loved ones who have parted."

- Kim

"Saturday was an amazing experience. I'm still learning from it as I listen to the recording. So much I wish I could tell you. It was totally worth the drive. I appreciate your sharing your incredible gift with me (and others). It has freed me to really move forward personally without guilt or angst over my marriage."

- Angela

"Heidi, I want to thank you so much for the reading for my sister. I think the gift you have and what you do is truly amazing! She is so happy and I truly believe you gave her what she needed to move forward with life. Thank you so very much."


"My reading with Heidi was amazing, she knew things she could not possible have known. Things about me as a child growing up, things that my dad and I shared. I was blown away by her. She was kind, sweet, funny, we really connected and she had no problems connecting with my family. She is truly blessed with her gift and I look forward to having another reading with her in the future. I know now that my family is with me and I feel a sense of comfort and relief."

- Deanna

"Heidi was the Medium I decided on after what seemed like an endless search (I looked at at least 30 profiles online). I was looking for someone who smiles whilst showing their teeth (this means they are upfront, clear & have nothing to hide) and just as importantly, someone who looks vibrant and healthy ... look at her face, it shines. When I seek a specialist, it is important for me to pick someone who loves what they do for a living. In the beginning of the reading, Heidi reported she wakes up everyday and looks forward to helping others. During the reading I felt at ease speaking with her, because I wasn't bound to strict time limits (stopping a reading on the exact minute of allotted time paid for). This is because Heidi's Spirit Guides let her know when the session is finished ... when there are no more messages ... this essentially gives you the freedom 'to truly be yourself'. Heidi will tell you things you need to hear, what you need to listen to, and yes, sometimes the truth is hard to take 'on-board' but we all know in the end, it is the truth that counts. She told me things that I needed to hear, some of which I already knew underneath but needed confirmation & from a trustworthy source (the 'other side') ... this gave me the ability to move forward instead of staying 'in-irons' ... no more stagnation for this girl ... have to take charge now, take the control back ... it's forthcoming now as I am applying it, although it doesn't mean it will be an easy road ahead ... just moving forward with confidence for the first time in a long time. Heidi was able to identify my inner desire & sense of creativity without me even saying a word about it, she said I need to get back into art & literally put myself in a place where opportunities can blossom ... in the culture of downtown, so I am moving forward and planting seeds ... it's no piece of cake but anything worth doing, takes both effort & courage ... these two key elements, I have back now, thanks to Heidi."

- Sophia

"I had a Skype phone consultation with Heidi which I have never done before, so I wondered how successful it would be. I also realized that this may be a difficult reading for her, as I am British and the person I wanted to get in touch with most was my best friend who passed over a few weeks prior, who was also British. We had a very special relationship and we knew each other for over 50 years, but for an American to try to decipher what we would do together each week ( we both went to support our local football team at our local ground back home ), I knew would be difficult. Heidi brought not only my best friend, but my mother and grandmother through who where helping my best friend. The messages she gave from my friend were spot on! She told me of the beautiful memories we had together and some of the things we would get up to as kids! and how we both felt always that we were sisters more than best friends. My friend past very suddenly and so I was still in shock, and wanted to know she had made it ok! I had no doubts after this reading and can't thank Heidi enough!!

- Julie

"I thought Heidi was fantastic. It was amazing how she came up with exact names of people that have passed on. She gave so much of her time and herself to be of assistance. I would recommend her to everyone who would like to get an insight into their own lives and loved ones that have passed on."

- Sherry

"What a pleasure! Heidi is really amazing. She was patient and kind. Really honest. Took her time to answer every question. She makes it feel like she's tapping into your energy. I left her office feeling relieved and with a clearer perspective on what I need to do to achieve the things that are in store for me. I came in with some specific questions and her advice was sound. I highly recommend."

- Janet

"Honestly meeting with Heidi is one of the best things I could have done. She gave me more clarity not only within myself, but also with my grandmother who passed away. I never thought that I would be one to go to a medium but I'm glad I did! She gave me information and proof as to who she was connecting with and it was really legit! I am grateful for her patience and understanding. I can say that Heidi really opened up my mind to a whole new world!

- Shante

"I visited Heidi not knowing what to expect. I am a spiritual person, I believe in God. I was taught from childhood that when you die, your soul either goes to Heaven or Hell. I have always had trouble with that, as I have always felt there is something else. After meeting with Heidi I now have the answers. I was put in touch with quite a few loved ones who have passed; I cried, I laughed, I was told things only they would have known. I know that although our loved ones may shed this mortal shell we carry, their essence lives on. They have memories. They do not carry any guilt or admonishment; we have a lot to learn from them. Not only was this a "reconnect" with my husband, father, mother-in-law, grandmother, father-in-law, aunts and uncles, this left me with inner peace and a contentment I cannot explain or contain! Do this. Don't hesitate."


"The peace I now have after meeting with Heidi is just inexplicable. I have esophageal cancer and am no longer eligible for any treatment. Heidi was able to connect with my husband Bill, who died suddenly in 1990, and with my mother who passed away a few years ago. The intimate details she was able to share with me, things even my own daughter didn't know about, left no doubt in my mind that they are waiting for me."

- Betty

"I wasn't sure I was totally a believer in this sort of thing until I worked with Heidi. Not only did she make me a believer that this communication is possible, she was SPOT ON with her information. I'd been seeking answers. I did not tell Heidi what my specific questions were. I was shocked when I received the answers. These were very specific questions, not generic. Only that person and I would know this line of dialogue. I also received additional information I hadn't asked for but immediatly made sense - also spot on and not vauge. Heidi has a very special gift. Her "bedside manner" during this process is also extremley kind and caring. She recongizes this can be an "interesting" process and I felt she was keeping tabs on how I was feeling while giving out the information. Most just blurt it out. Heidi speaks to you like she is having a regular conversation which I really think sets her above the rest. She was also concerned and called me to follow-up which was also very kind. She's interested. I've done two readings with her. The first one I described above came in loud and clear. The second one was without a doubt the person I was seeking out and she saw what had transpired. They do have to want to come to you, patience is needed during this process. One thing I can say - she 1000% connected with the two individuals I was seeking out. No doubt about it. I'd recommend her to anyone."

- Jon

"I asked Heidi to contact an uncle that had past away a couple years ago, I didn't tell her anything about him, not even that we were related. When Heidi was able to contact my uncle she told me so many things about him that were dead on. I was amazed. She picked up his accent and that he was from a different country and that he was my mothers brother! I couldn't believe how dead on she was. It was great to hear from him. I like working with Heidi because she isn't your typical psychic medium. She's down to earth and is very easy to talk to. She never tries to be anything more than what she is, and that is very hard to find in a psychic medium. I have referred her to everyone I know."

- Shae

"You are an amazing woman with a god given talent. You have a blessing and you truly are a giving, warm, and generous woman! You are truly awesome. You have a pure heart and a giving gentle spirit."

- Nikki

Heidi is sensitive, kind and highly tuned in to the fact that hearing from a loved one who has passed away is a delicate and emotional experience for people. She delivers messages with a gentle understanding and clear voice. My Dad passed away suddenly 11 years ago. Missing him is a daily feeling for me. Recently one morning I asked my Dad to find Heidi and went on about my day. Heidi contacted me later that afternoon to tell me she had spent time with my Dad, having absolutely no idea I had asked him to find her. Within an hour of my asking him to find her, he had found her, and communicated a letter to me through her. Hearing my Dad’s letter and knowing that Heidi was communicating it with the utmost sincerity and integrity was a true gift for me. I highly recommend Heidi as a person to trust with your journey to connect with your loved ones in the spirit world."

- Catherine

"Heidi has an extraordinary gift that defies the most incredulous, such as myself. I have known Heidi for 5 years. She is not a dreamer. She is a no nonsense realist who challenges her own intuitions, until proven true. She is fully dedicated, emotionally invested in every case, every situation, every communication. Heidi has channeled messages from my father who passed away recently, with such accurate details and particular vocabulary, that I felt it was coming directly from him. Heidi merely suggests she is the medium between yourself and your loved one, and she channels the communication with the utmost care and respect."

- Patrick